Friday, 10 May 2013

Cookie competition

Hey everyone julia has made a competition to see who can make the best cookie/biscuit here is an example


Your cookie has to be chobot themed for example:your chobot,pet,player card,academy,shops
and lots more so get making as julia said you win the chobot prize and you also have cookies to share with you and the family so go go go you have till the 15th of may till the entrys have to be in!


Farm contest winners


Me doing cow mission its scary :o ;)

Well done to whoever played to try and win the farming contest you all did well but chobots can only pick 3 winners :c So the winners are... -drum roll-  Theufo in 3rd place..... -drum roll- harrythebest in 2nd place and the 1st place winner is...... -drum roll- Wooly well done to everyone who won and played hope you enjoyed it.

The winners received:
1st place= wooly wins 6,000 bugs, cow mission background (rare), 7 days citizenship (well done wooly)
2nd place= harrythebest wins 5,000 bugs, cow mission background (rare) and 5 days of citizenship (congratulations harrythebest!)
and last but not least 3rd place=theufo wins 3,000 bugs, cow mission background -rare- and 3 days of citizenship (fabulous)

Well done to  
everyone :) better luck next time if you didn't win
