Saturday 18 May 2013

Cookie baker winners

Hey savannahshelby here I have the results of who the winners are chobots picked two winners ok so here:

1st winner: Slick well done for making your leader board!

Slick won 2 months free citizenship, 10000 bugs and gingerbread wings magic well done slick nice prize

2nd winner:Amoona well done for making your chobots cookies/biscuits did your family enjoy or did you eat them ;)
Amoona won 1 month citizenship, 8000 bugs and gingerbread wings magic well done amoona amazing price!

Well done to everyone who entered I am pretty sure it was a tough decision for chobots to pick if you didn't win never mind you got the cookies/biscuits which are very yummy :)

Well done Amoona and Slick hope you enjoy your prizes if you haven't recieved your prize please contact 


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